June 2021
Here we go again. We’ve reached the Great Lakes Joint Training Center and are camped on the eastern edge of Lake Michigan. (See Photo)
Last week we were in Allegan for a rally. Only four of us Maestros showed up, but we had a good time and did play for the ice cream social. Mostly polkas with Horst in the lead, and Meredith on the “bumba.”
Before that, we stayed for a few days at the Fulton County Fair Grounds, after a visit with my Grand kids and Great grand kids. It was a kick.
A couple days in the self proclaimed Magic capitol of the world, Colon, MI where we stayed at Livermore Retreat, a Harvest Host site owned by …………………. (I’ll remember soon).
Tomorrow we’ll head to Token Creek, near Madison, WI. From there we’ll make our way to Gillett, WY, for another FMCA rally. We should have a great group of Maestros there.